srijeda, 04.01.2006.

Kome danas treba knjiga?

Kome danas treba knjiga?Glupo pitanje.Knjige su danas isto tako važne kao i u prošlosti.

Od izuma pisma prije gotovo 6000 godina do danas vrlo je cjenjena pisana riječ.Nema dana a da netko nešto ne pročita bile to novine,magazini ili knjige.Ipak,knjige imaju puno veću književnu vrijednost,nego li novine.Moram priznati da volim čitati.Među najdraže knjige bih izdvojila dnevnike s humorističko-socijalnom temom kao "Dnevnik Adriana Molea" i "Mi djeca s kolodvora Zoo".One pobuđuju u meni puno osjećaja-smijeh,tugu,suosjećajnost.

One nam smanjuju dosadu,uče nas o životu,daju nam mnoge savjete,neke su i jako zabavne kao knjige Vedrane Rudan,neke nas mogu dobro preplašiti kao bestselleri R.L.Stinea...

Knjige su vrlo važne u životu svakog čovjeka makar oni to ne priznaju.Ljude je katkad sram reći da čitaju.Ja to ne razumijem.Divno je kada netko čita s veseljem,a zaista ružno kada netko čita pod prisilom.U tome jest problem.Mislim da ljudi nebi trebali biti prisiljeni da čitaju nego bi sami trebali shvatiti da je to potrebno svima.

Ja nikada neću prestati čitati jer meni i danas i u budućnosti TREBA knjiga.Ona je s nama cijelog života od mlenih slikovnica,bajki i lektira do mnogih leksikona neke zemlje ili svijeta,raznih riječnika i mitologija.

Budite pozdravljeni...
Vaša Christiane F.

- 20:15 - Komentari (71) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 29.12.2005.

tests about books:

Take the quiz:
Which book should you be in? (Picts)

The Outsiders
You belong in The Outsiders. You hate descrimation and classism! Money shouldn't decide your friends! Just rember to keep that hidden temper down. It's a great book about two boys, Johnny and Ponyboy. They run away becuse of murder. Maybe you have already read it.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which Famous Novel Are You? (Pictures)

Pet Semetary
(By: Stephen King) you are a dark but interesting person that loves to be scared as much as you love to scare others.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
What kind of Fairy are you?

Water Fairy
You are a Water Fairy! You are the most peacful of all fairies! You are outgoing and kind. You can defend yourself very well. You are Loyal and have good friends. You are very powerful, but you may not know it.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which Shakespeare play are you?

Merchant of Venice
Your play is Merchant of Venice. A play about the sassy revenge of the female species.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Are you truly a book freak?

Book Freak
I will make this description short so you can get back to your new book. You love books.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest

Take the quiz:
What Would The Title Of Your Book Be?

Everlast Darkness
Dark, pure darkness. A goth like me. People have accused you of being a satan worshiper beacuse of how you are. Comes as depressed and evil to some. Me, I would get along great with you. You'r not evil you just like to creep people out a little bit.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Could You Ever be an Author?

Yes, you have the chance of being an author. You will have a bigger chance of mailing your cover letter and sample of your story to an agent to ask him/her to represent you before submitting to a publisher. Most Agents are also Lawyers, so you dont have to bother with copywrite info. You are probably not anywhere near this yet though, but dont worry, it takes time. If you dont care about working for 20 cents an hour (if you get published.... 6,000 dollers given to you for a few years worth of work is a really low price) , and if you have another job on the side, you'll be fine. Do expect at least 50 rejection letters though.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

čujemo se uskoro...

- 08:36 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 27.12.2005.


Ovaj blog postoji za knjigoljupce..Moj identitet je zasad skriven..ZASAD..Ako netko ima želju da se napiše o nekoj posebnoj knjizi javite..To je za sad sve..Pozdrav svima koji su naišli na ovaj blog..

- 17:27 - Komentari (17) - Isprintaj - #